
March 25, 2010

Parents rights in harmony with grandparent rights

Check out the article I’ve just had published on parents rights and granparents rights on Ezine@rticles! I really think that it goes to the heart of these issues. I want to trumpet, declare and celebrate the fact that parents rights are and should be superior to grandparents rights. As a grandfather I am in awe of the great job my children and their spouses are doing in raising our grandchildren to be loving and lovable human beings. I don’t foresee […]
March 21, 2010

Do you actually have grandparents visitation rights?

In today’s society more than half of all marriages end in divorce. This creates problems and challenges for the immediate family unit but also for the extended family when it comes to grandparents visitation rights. Depending on the atmosphere surrounding the separation and divorce this could cause tremendous anxiety and even alienation. This could leave the grandparents out in the cold. This is an especially difficult time when there are children involved. The children feel great sadness because often they […]
March 19, 2010

Grandparents rights in the real world

This is my way of communicating what this whole grandparents rights struggle is about. The following is a real life scenario of a court battle allowing the maternal grandmother to adopt two children of R.A.A. & L.R. in Superior Court of New Jersey, Appellate Division, January, 2010. Congratulations Grandma, you have accomplished an essential and wonderful deed. By asserting your grandparents rights you have managed to rescue your grandchildren from life in a very dysfunctional household. I hope you realize what a […]
March 17, 2010

Grandparents must be aware of court issues before making agreements for grandparents visitation rights

In most situations where a grandparent goes to court in an attempt to secure grandparents visitation rights, it is assumed that there must be some animosity amongst the respective family members. The rationale for that is that if such animosity did not exist, there would be no need for the intervention of the court. Case histories from the courts have demonstrated that even when the grandparents are awarded a grandparents visitation schedule, the parents who oppose are often likely not […]
March 17, 2010

Grandparents rights are all about the kids

When grandparents rights are implemented in the way they were intended a great amount of good is the result. Nearly every state in the union has some form of grandparents rights legislation and, according to every court case, custody evaluation, and case study I have read all of these state laws place the emphasis in the best interest of the child. If there was ever a win-win situation then this is it. If only life were that clear cut. My heart […]
March 3, 2010

There are grandparents rights and there are grandparents rights

In the news almost every day we learn of some very sad and nearly impossible to comprehend situations of child neglect and abuse.  Here in Charlotte North Carolina the other day a woman left her 4 young children sleeping completely alone in a home with a kerosene heater in the bedroom.  The house caught on fire and a seven year old daughter and 4 year old son survived but tragically their 1 and 2 year old brothers perished in the […]
March 1, 2010

Is your state restrictive or permissive when it comes to grandparents visitation rights?

One important aspect when it comes to the grandparents visitation rights is whether the state you live in is “restrictive” or “permissive” when it comes to the rights you have to see your grandchildren. All 50 states currently have some type of grandparent visitation rights statute through which grandparents can ask a court to grant them the legal right to maintain their relationships with their grandchildren. But individual state laws vary greatly when it comes to the crucial details, such as who […]
February 26, 2010

How do the courts determine grandparents visitation rights?

A lot of different factors go into determining grandparents visitation rights when it comes to grandchildren and the courts. There are some general guidelines for grandparents rights, but each state has different laws and factors. Case law shows that most states take into account the following factors when determining grandparents visitation rights: 1. The needs of the child, including considerations of physical and emotional health of the child, the safety of the child, and the welfare of the child. 2. […]
February 25, 2010

Grandparent visitation rights can vary state to state

It’s important for grandparent to understand their grandparent rights when dealing with visitation issues. Grandparent visitation is something that should always be available and yet is often not in difficult circumstances if you aren’t informed of your grandparents rights. It’s also important to know that the states differ on the extent to which parents have a right to control grandparent visitation. Some states focus on what is in the “best interest of the child” in making decisions about whether or […]