Grandparents Rights

July 2, 2010

Finding out what grandparents rights are in YOUR state

When dealing with the issues surrounding grandparents rights it is important to understand that different states do things different ways. Laws regarding things like grandparents visitation rights and grandparents custody issues are not uniform, and much depends on where you live. All states currently have some type of grandparent visitation rights laws on the books through which grandparents can ask a court to grant them legal rights to maintain their relationships with their grandchildren. Individual state laws, however, vary greatly […]
June 28, 2010

Which states are permissive or restrictive when it comes to grandparents rights?

Here is a little more information on the differing grandparents legal rights based on what state you live in, and how that state views grandparents rights. Remember that states tend to view these things in one of two ways, and it is important to figure out if you are in a lenient or permissive grandparents rights state or in a restrictive grandparent rights state. Resources like those available at The Custody Center can help you narrow down exactly what your […]
June 25, 2010

Knowing your grandparents rights

More grandparents are becoming educated with strategies and information about how other grandparents are winning custody and visitation rights in the family courts. If you are a concerned grandparent seeking information and strategies on grandparents rights and how to win grandparents visitation rights or custody you would do well to go to a resource like The Custody Center and get the information you need. Don’t wait until you go to court to find out what will happen as that may […]
June 23, 2010

Protecting grandparents rights

Grandparents rights are hard enough to win in court without false charges and unfounded accusations being added to the mix. Yet, when grandparents have to fight their own children for grandparent rights or custody of their grandchildren they may actually have to deal with these things. That’s because grandparents may actually find themselves accused of everything from physical abuse to mental abuse to using drugs. This is possible because any real or imagined grievances or misdeeds from your children’s childhood […]
June 21, 2010

Becoming aware of your grandparents rights in custody situations

These days many grandparents have taken on the primary role as parents to their grandchildren. Issues like drugs, poverty, child abuse and other social ills have caused many grandparents to become the caregivers for their grandchildren. If you are a grandparents who is actually providing primary care for your grandchildren you may need to take affirmative steps to protect your grandparents rights in the case that your grandchildren’s parents later come back and wish to assert their own custody or […]
June 19, 2010

Issues surrounding grandparents custody

Grandparents custody is on the rise these days, and this may very well be due to the percentages of marriage that end in divorce. Also the premature death of a parent, parental problems with drugs or jail sentences, or  financial problems tied to these tough times can cause grandparents to have to take responsibility for their grandkids. There is a lot of happiness that comes along with raising grandchildren, but there are also many problems that can come about along […]
June 16, 2010

When grandparents rights changed

In June of 2000 the Supreme Court issued a 6-3 decision on grandparents visitation rights in the Troxel vs Granville case. This ruling canceled out a Washington State law that permitted judges to grant visitation to any interested party so long as the visits were in the best interest of the child — even if the parents objected. The Troxel vs Granville decision was confusing because while the majority of the justices agreed that Troxel should be decided a certain […]
June 15, 2010

Granparents guardianship: Is it an opiton in your state?

Some states allow grandparents guardianship, which is a category between grandparents visitation and grandparents custody. Guardianship has the same effect as providing parental authority to a grandparent (or in some cases another third party). Generally, guardianship is less permanent than custody. To find out if your state has the option of granting grandparent guardianship consult The Custody Center. As always when determining guardianship, the court looks to the best interest of the child. In some instances of guardianship, the parent […]
June 11, 2010

Important infromation on grandparents rights, and where to go for more

Under the constitution, grandparents have no legal rights spelled out. According to the constitution a parent that is found to be fit has the controlling decision over the children even if that includes alienating them from their grandparents. The good news is that the laws of most states do give grandparents rights in certain situations.  If you are a grandparent, it is wise to learn the laws of your state, as well as the laws in the state in which your […]