Baby-Boomers are now Grand-Boomers

Information on Grandparents Visitation Rights
February 12, 2010
Where do I stand on grandparent visitation rights?
February 17, 2010

It is official, the baby-boomer generation has entered into the grandparents right of passage. Since the definition of a baby boomer is anyone born between 1946 and 1964 and the average age for a new grandparent is 48 that places a lot of those folks into what is being called the Grand-Boomers. I kind of like that term even though I am too old to qualify.

This classification was significant enough that AARP did a breakout study of this age group in it’s 2002 “Grandparent Study Report”. What they found is that the Grand-Boomers are a little bit different than previous generations of grandparents. As a group they are more physically active with their grandchildren which may be a function of the age of the new grandparents coming down over the past decades. This group also in a bit more affluent (69% are still employed0 and mobile so they see their grandkids a little more often, especially if they are in different locations. Two statistics, (50% attended and/or graduated from college and most are required to use computer in the workplace) may explain why the Grand-Boomers have a more interaction with the grandkids on the computer and using social networks to keep up with what is going on in their lives. Like it or not most kids are out there when it comes to sites like Facebook and Myspace. I tell my grandchildren not to post something they don’t want me to alert their parents about. However, I love the fact that I can see my grandson’s 3 point shot that won the game and keep up with my granddaughters activities in college.

  1. As Alvin Toffler said in his book “Future Shock” the rate of change is changing. This is also true of the grandparents generation. The Grand-Boomers will add so much to the 1/3rd of the adult population of this country that we call grandparents. There will surely be changes in Grandparents involvement in the lives of their grandchildren. This will affect issues like Grandparents rights, grandparents custody and grandparents visitation rights. This will also provide the opportunity for more time spent with the grandkids and a good and greater influence on their development. This is our chance to change how the world will be since they will be running it. Be Well and Happy!! NEIL

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