custody center

June 2, 2011

Where to go for information about grandparents custody

For a lot of reasons, grandparents custody is on the rise these days. Much of this is due to the percentages of marriage that end in divorce, but there are also often factors such as the premature death of a parent, parental problems with drugs or incarceration, or financial problems tied to these tough times. Any of these things can cause grandparents to have to take responsibility for their grandkids. For grandparents, it is important to understand what custody means and […]
May 28, 2011

Where do I get information on grandparents visitation rights?

With changing familial structures that involve divorce and remarriage, some family relationships and roles fall to the wayside. Grandparents are often victims of these changes, with their grandparents visitation rights commonly terminated upon a relationship’s demise. Because of the bond between grandparent and grandchild, it’s important to understand just what constitutes grandparents visitation rights. Grandparents’ rights are actually governed by state statutes, which are given effect in other jurisdictions via federal law. Generally speaking, grandparents’ rights to visitation fall into […]
February 28, 2011

National and state answers on grandparents rights

Today there are more instances than ever where grandparents are seeking court ordered grandparent visitation rights. There are many factors that have led to this: the increase in children born out of wedlock, the increase in the divorce rate, an increase in the propensity for a single custodial parent to move to another location, and a general decrease in society’s valuation of grandparent relationships. Unfortunately there is not a lot of uniformity between the laws in states about how to […]
August 11, 2010

Grandparents and custody rights

Many people do not recognize that grandparents can actually be awarded legal custody of their grandchildren, but that is actually the case in some events. This scenario tends to happen when neither parent can provide a healthy and sufficient home to raise their children. It also can occur when there are legitimate concerns about safety due to known instances of drug use or child abuse. It is important to remember that the grandparent does have the responsibility in these cases […]
August 7, 2010

Knowing what judges consider about grandparents rights just in case

Grandparents rights cases rarely go as far as the courts, but even in those that don’t make it there it is important for grandparents to understand the factors a judge considers so that they have some leverage in negotiating their rights out of court. In actual court cases the importance of preserving and maintaining an existing relationship between the child and their grandparents will be weighed against the custodial parent’s need to exercise their parental rights and veto such visitation […]
July 24, 2010

The best advice you can get regarding grandparents rights

Today statistics show that over 50% of all marriages end in divorce. Although it is traditionally accepted that this is hard on the parties divorcing and especially on the children involved, virtually no one talks about how hard this is on grandparents. This can lead many to conclude that though parents divorcing have many rights, grandparents have none. In fact, one truth in this is that grandparents do have fewer rights when compared to parents. Certainly, the courts have not […]
July 6, 2010

Where to go first for information on grandparents rights

Too often today grandchildren become alienated from their grandparents due to divorce, separation, or other problems in marriage. Alienation of grandchildren from their grandparents does a child a world of harm. The rights that grandparents have vary from state to state.  The courts have to consider  the circumstances behind the alienation. For instance, if the child is living with both parents and the child is doing well then the grandparents can expect to lose the case.  If one or both […]