Brokenhearted Grandparents

March 19, 2010

Grandparents rights in the real world

This is my way of communicating what this whole grandparents rights struggle is about. The following is a real life scenario of a court battle allowing the maternal grandmother to adopt two children of R.A.A. & L.R. in Superior Court of New Jersey, Appellate Division, January, 2010. Congratulations Grandma, you have accomplished an essential and wonderful deed. By asserting your grandparents rights you have managed to rescue your grandchildren from life in a very dysfunctional household. I hope you realize what a […]
March 3, 2010

There are grandparents rights and there are grandparents rights

In the news almost every day we learn of some very sad and nearly impossible to comprehend situations of child neglect and abuse.  Here in Charlotte North Carolina the other day a woman left her 4 young children sleeping completely alone in a home with a kerosene heater in the bedroom.  The house caught on fire and a seven year old daughter and 4 year old son survived but tragically their 1 and 2 year old brothers perished in the […]
February 26, 2010

How do the courts determine grandparents visitation rights?

A lot of different factors go into determining grandparents visitation rights when it comes to grandchildren and the courts. There are some general guidelines for grandparents rights, but each state has different laws and factors. Case law shows that most states take into account the following factors when determining grandparents visitation rights: 1. The needs of the child, including considerations of physical and emotional health of the child, the safety of the child, and the welfare of the child. 2. […]