Grandparents Custody

June 21, 2010

Becoming aware of your grandparents rights in custody situations

These days many grandparents have taken on the primary role as parents to their grandchildren. Issues like drugs, poverty, child abuse and other social ills have caused many grandparents to become the caregivers for their grandchildren. If you are a grandparents who is actually providing primary care for your grandchildren you may need to take affirmative steps to protect your grandparents rights in the case that your grandchildren’s parents later come back and wish to assert their own custody or […]
June 19, 2010

Issues surrounding grandparents custody

Grandparents custody is on the rise these days, and this may very well be due to the percentages of marriage that end in divorce. Also the premature death of a parent, parental problems with drugs or jail sentences, or  financial problems tied to these tough times can cause grandparents to have to take responsibility for their grandkids. There is a lot of happiness that comes along with raising grandchildren, but there are also many problems that can come about along […]
June 15, 2010

Granparents guardianship: Is it an opiton in your state?

Some states allow grandparents guardianship, which is a category between grandparents visitation and grandparents custody. Guardianship has the same effect as providing parental authority to a grandparent (or in some cases another third party). Generally, guardianship is less permanent than custody. To find out if your state has the option of granting grandparent guardianship consult The Custody Center. As always when determining guardianship, the court looks to the best interest of the child. In some instances of guardianship, the parent […]
June 1, 2010

What to do if you are seeking custody of your grandchildren

If grandparents can prove to the courts that their home offers adequate resources for raising a child then they will be strongly considered. Overall, grandparent custody is a generally preferred alternative in most every state to foster care. The bottom line is that grandparents do have rights when it comes to custody and their grandchildren. The courts recognize them as an integral part of the family support system. The key however is for grandparent’s to make their wishes known and […]
May 24, 2010

Grandparents and custody rights

Many people do not recognize that grandparents can actually be awarded legal custody of their grandchildren, but that is actually the case in some events. This scenario tends to happen when neither parent can provide a healthy and sufficient home to raise their children. It also can occur when there are legitimate concerns about safety due to known instances of drug use or child abuse. It is important to remember that the grandparent does have the responsibility in these cases […]
May 20, 2010

How to obtain grandparents custody

It is true that a grandparent may seek legal custody of their grandchildren for numerous reasons. How simple or complex this is will depend on individual circumstances and whether or not both the parents and grandparents are in agreement that the children should be in the custody of the grandparents. Legal custody is awarded by the courts and is not merely a written agreement between two parties. If both parties are not in agreement, the grandparent or must prove to […]
May 15, 2010

How to get your grandparents rights (or even custody) during a divorce

Grandparents who are having questions about their grandparents rights in disputes involving their grandchildren should know that even though they are not the biological parent of the grandchild, they still have rights. In the case of an impending divorce the child is not just being separated from one of his parents but from his grandparents as well. No matter what state you are in, family courts will try their hardest to keep the divorce from affecting the child as much […]
February 18, 2010

What are grandparents rights in the case of custody

For many reasons grandparents end up being a parent again.  This can occur due to divorce, death of one or both of the parents, the parents having financial trouble, or the parents having legal trouble.  No matter the cause, grandparents custody of their  grandchildren creates many challenges for the new family unit.  While this may end up being the best situation for the grandchildren, it may not be the best situation for the grandparents or the parents. One of the […]
February 17, 2010

Grandparents custody – How do we help everyone?

If you are a grandparent and you find out that your child is getting divorced, it can be a reason for you to have many worries.  The first thing that you will probably be worried about is who gets custody of the children.  With very few grandparents rights available to you will be able to see them as often as you did prior to the divorce?  During a time of divorce, a grandparent has to bear in mind that they […]