
August 5, 2010

Proud grandparents: Grandparents and adoption

One of the greatest of experiences in life is becoming a grandparent, even if it comes through unconventional means. Grandparents whose children adopt have a wonderful chance to welcome a brand new person into their family. As with all major life changes, adoption is both a wonderful and challenging experience, filled with excitement, adjustment and joy. This is no less true for the grandparents, as they watch their own beloved children dealing with all the emotions that come with adopting […]
April 26, 2010

Grandparents rights all about the kids

When grandparents rights are implemented in the way they were intended a great amount of good is the result. Nearly every state in the union has some form of grandparents rights legislation and, according to every court case, custody evaluation, and case study I have read all of these state laws place the emphasis in the best interest of the child. If there was ever a win-win situation then this is it. If only life were that clear cut. My heart […]
March 3, 2010

There are grandparents rights and there are grandparents rights

In the news almost every day we learn of some very sad and nearly impossible to comprehend situations of child neglect and abuse.  Here in Charlotte North Carolina the other day a woman left her 4 young children sleeping completely alone in a home with a kerosene heater in the bedroom.  The house caught on fire and a seven year old daughter and 4 year old son survived but tragically their 1 and 2 year old brothers perished in the […]
February 21, 2010

It’s all about the child

For many reasons there is a groundswell of interest around grandparents rights versus parents rights. The Supreme Court of the United States of America has chimed in about Parents rights and 45 states have passed legislation having to do with Grandparents rights. There are 77,400,000 web sites dealing with parents rights and 2,130,00 about Grandparents rights. In short, there is as lot of interest when it comes to these rights and most have to do with staking out their own […]