
March 1, 2017


The Loving support for a child is magnified when it comes from Grandma and/or Grandpa. Most kids can count on their parents loving them and lots of them know their Grandparents love them as well. The magic is when they are made to feel special by your showing up at things like plays and sporting events. We all crave love and approval and in the case of our grandkids they are like a vacuum cleaner when it comes to taking […]
February 21, 2017


It is easy to forget the rules of good human relations when we are talking to our Grandkids. One of the tenants of my Dale Carnegie training is that we should speak in terms of the others interests. This is especially true when it comes to our beloved grands. We tend to miss the part about them growing up. As you know it doesn’t serve us well to talk to an eight year old boy the same way we might […]
February 20, 2017

The need for Grandparents Rights is directly related to your place in the family structure.

BLISS   If you are the Paternal Grandparents of a family that is experiencing difficulties you are much more vulnerable to troubled waters when it comes to spending time with your Grandkids. The reasons for this are many and very complicated but the facts still remain the same. Let’s first consider that the courts, whenever possible, will honor the wishes of the parents. The greatest weight of this is given to the mother unless circumstances dictate differently. The adage about […]
February 11, 2017


As complicated as the Grandparents Rights issue can be most of us still have the ability to add tremendous value to those deserved precious minds of our grands. If you are reading this post on this site you are a Caring Grandparent and that qualifies you as a certified positive influence on the lives of your grandchild. All of us look for affirmation of our place in society. Young people are often defined by knowing they matter to more than […]
February 7, 2017


As Grandparents we have earned the right to think it is all about us. We also have the right to think it is all about our grandkids. The truth is, when it comes to Grandparents Rights it IS all about the parents. I have to remind you that I am only the messenger. I also hate to inform you but this has less to do with fairness, which is in the eyes of the beholder, and all about what is […]
February 4, 2017


The birth of each grandchild, aside from being a undisputed miracle, starts a magic transformation in a Caring Grandparent. According to Lesley Stahl’s new book “BECOMING GRANDMA” there is an actual chemical change that aids this bonding process. I don’t know about you all but I have been hopelessly smitten with each and all of my Grands and Great Grands with or without any chemical change. I am in awe of every one of them. At the same time I […]
February 3, 2016

This blog is about so much more than Grandparents Rights

Most of my posts have been about Grandparents Rights for a good reason. Now and then I come across a story that is so very compelling that it deserves to be shared, My Brother and Sister-in-law have some friends that have a huge challenge in their lives right now and I wanted to let the readers of this post know about it and put it on your hearts to share this with others. The subjects of the story are Chris […]
October 6, 2011

Neil Taft in the La Mesa Patch Moms Council patch, on grandparents rights!

Every Wednesday, the La Mesa Patch Moms Council poses a question and invites your wisdom—and chimes in themselves. This Wed they choose to let me speak about grandparents rights, and add their views…. LMPMC: Neil Taft on Grandparents Rights
September 15, 2011

Grandparents raising grandchildren rally in Washington, DC

Across the country hundreds of thousands of grandparents raising grandchildren do not get sufficient rights or help. They gladly take on the role as the primary caregiver, but they hope to gain some of the same support afforded to foster parents. Grandparents from across the state and country are rallying to raise awareness about the lack of support they receive, in contrast to the foster care system, when raising grandchildren. The fourth annual Grand Rally is taking place today in […]