grandparents visitation

February 1, 2011

Fun and educational games to play with your grandchildren

Grandparent visits can be fun times for children, but they are even more fun when you add games into the mix. Children absolutely love to play games and having family members involved in them is actually one of the joys of youths that almost everyone remembers fondly. In addition to that, making learning fun is essential to your grandkids’ educational development. Boost their verbal skills with entertaining games that engage their minds. Play along and watch them turn into wonderfully […]
December 23, 2010

Researching your grandparents visitation rights

Researching your grandparents visitation rights it not as hard as you might think. Whatever aim you will have, you may need tips, ideas, and good advice to assist you to achieve it. It’ll be much easier to reach your goal if you know what to do and what to stay clear of. Presented here are three important guidelines to help you achieve your goals. Usually when you use the following pointers you’ll enhance your possibilities to have improved final results. […]
December 5, 2010

Safeguarding your grandparents visitation rights

When the parents of your grandchildren have a troubled relationship, you will, of course, be concerned about your child, but you should also be concerned about the possibility of losing contact with your grandchildren. In the event of a divorce or other broken relationship, you may have to resort to mediation or even a lawsuit to secure your grandparents visitation rights. Since the Supreme Court case of Troxel v. Granville the grandparents have had the burden of proving that visitation […]
November 27, 2010

Grandparents Games

Here are some fun games I have found for playing with the grandchildren which don’t require you to purchase anything at the store. Grandparents Games 1: Newspaper Copy Games Each child and their grandparent receive a newspaper, a pair of scissors and a roll of sticky tape. In 15 minutes, each team’s task is to create an outfit – consisting of 3 items eg hat/top/pants or hat/dress/over-shirt – for each member using only the newspaper, scissors and sticky tape. Afterwards, […]
November 22, 2010

Grandparents visitation rights and divorce

Grandparents should consider visitation rights as soon as they learn of a divorce, and should begin preparing their case for grandparents visitation immediately. In some cases, extended family members may have a say in how custody is determined, especially if they are seeking custody on a more formal basis. For example, some divorce cases bring to light other issues, such as abuse and neglect, in which case children become wards of the state if no one else steps up to […]
November 19, 2010

Should you file for grandparents visitation rights?

There are a variety of different circumstances in which it may be appropriate for a grandparent to file for grandparents visitation rights. In the instance where a divorce has become quite bitter and a custody battle has erupted, court ordered visitation has been found to give the grandchildren a sense of continuity and stability. This is especially true in the case where the grandparents are the parents of the non-custodial parent. Parents of Non-Custodial Parent Often, the parents of the […]
November 12, 2010

Improving your chances of gaining visitation rights

Grandparents concerned with visitation rights should know that there are no firm rules for determining when a court will grant visitation as every case is decided on its own facts and merits. Grandparents can, however, take steps to improve their chances of gaining visitation rights. In deciding visitation cases, courts often consider the previous relationship between the grandparent and grandchild, and they look favorably on evidence of a consistent and caring relationship. For this reason, a grandparent should try to […]
September 17, 2010

Grandparents rights-They seem to be needed more each day.

The thing that bothers me most about the increasing need for Grandparents rights is that it is the children who suffer.  Our grandkids deserve all the love and support we can give them.  It is when this support  is interrupted by two adults that are attempting to resolve and/or dissolve their own relationship with each other but using the children as weapons.  As a caring grandparent this makes me angry. I realize that marriages are disintegrating at an ever increasing […]
September 8, 2010

Grandparents Rights: Are they slipping away?

Grandparents Rights are not something that are given to us.  It is incumbent upon us to be proactive.  I don’t mean that we take something from someone as much as we give something to the most important people in our lives.  In today’s legal climate the best way to insure your Grandparents visitation rights is to be so much a part of your grandchildren’s lives that you are virtually indispensable.  If you take every opportunity to create those magic moments […]