legal rights

July 28, 2011

What is considered by courts regarding grandparents custody

Courts grant grandparents visitation or grandparents custody to grandparents only when certain conditions provided in state statutes are met. Conditions for a grandparent to attain custody differ from those conditions required for visitation rights. A grandparent should be familiar with the conditions for either custody or visitation before determining whether to file a petition to request either from a court of law. Best Interests of the Child Courts in every jurisdiction must consider the “best interest of the child” when […]
June 24, 2011

Why you need to know your grandparents rights

Are you a grandparent who is feeling wronged? Are you intending to file a law suit to enable you to visit your grandchildren? Are you feeling frustrated by the repeated refusals your son or daughter’s ex spouse is putting you through when it comes to your grandchildren and you? Do you suspect your grandchild is being subjected to child abuse, drugs or careless parenting? If so, then it is time you got to know your grandparents rights inside out. Grandparents […]
June 11, 2011

Grandparents raising grandchildren

Grandparents raising grandchildren has become a very common factor and it seems that there are many more grandparents taking on the role of parent to their grandchildren and this puts many grandparents in a funny situation. It may be complicated to determine what your grandparents rights, but you need to find out what you can do as a grandparent and there may be some specific situations where you will be in some trouble if you do not have specific rights […]
March 23, 2011

The rising importance of grandparents rights

About 50 percent of all marriages end in divorce today. When divorce takes place in the family the separation of the family unit affects everyone, and each person is affected differently. There is blame and hurt from everyone in the family. When parents separate or divorce the grandparents visitation rights affected. Grandparents are, of course, concerned about custody issues and they also want to help protect their grandchildren. Grandparents should be able to have a continued relationship with their grandparents […]
March 14, 2011

Do grandparents have rights?

Many people start the journey toward learning about grandparents rights by asking the simplest question first: “Do grandparents have rights?” When you’re looking at the question “Do grandparents have rights?” you must look to the state of the American family and how that impacts older Americans. The past 30 years have seen tremendous changes when it comes to the American family. Consider these trends, from Professor Herbert S. Klein: Prior to 1980, births outside of marriage were less than 10 […]
February 7, 2011

Kansas bill highlights grandparents rights issues

A Wichita state senator and family members of abused and displaced children went before the Senate Judiciary Committee today to try to enhance the status of grandparents in child-custody courts. Senate Bill 52 would automatically establish grandparents as interested parties in cases when their grandchildren are removed from their homes. At present, grandparents only receive notice of and status to be heard in such proceedings when they request it. Sen. Oletha Faust-Goudeau, D-Wichita, who is sponsoring the bill, told the […]
December 23, 2010

Researching your grandparents visitation rights

Researching your grandparents visitation rights it not as hard as you might think. Whatever aim you will have, you may need tips, ideas, and good advice to assist you to achieve it. It’ll be much easier to reach your goal if you know what to do and what to stay clear of. Presented here are three important guidelines to help you achieve your goals. Usually when you use the following pointers you’ll enhance your possibilities to have improved final results. […]
December 5, 2010

Safeguarding your grandparents visitation rights

When the parents of your grandchildren have a troubled relationship, you will, of course, be concerned about your child, but you should also be concerned about the possibility of losing contact with your grandchildren. In the event of a divorce or other broken relationship, you may have to resort to mediation or even a lawsuit to secure your grandparents visitation rights. Since the Supreme Court case of Troxel v. Granville the grandparents have had the burden of proving that visitation […]
October 30, 2010

The Case for Grandparents Rights

Looking at today’s flawed laws  it is not hard to make the case for grandparents rights. By not maintaining adequate laws to protect our children, our legal system has miserably failed them. The antiquated laws governing grandparents rights need to be revised to reflect the times we live in. More and more children’s childhoods will be destroyed, leaving them to become part of the juvenile justice system or suffer at the hands of their parents or unfit guardians. If the […]